Resolution of the Board of Regents
WHEREAS, Texas Southern University is committed to the highest standards of ethics, honesty, integrity and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; and
WHEREAS, all members of the Board of Regents, the President, administrators, faculty and staff are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards in the discharge of their duties and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations; and
WHEREAS, the President has determined it is in the best interest of Texas Southern University to establish an Office of Institutional Compliance to oversee compliance efforts related to contracts for goods and services and research grants and contracts, and to institute procedures promoting compliance through education, monitoring, reporting of violations, and corrective action; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Regents believes that it is important to document the University's commitment, at the highest level of institutional governance, to effective compliance activities and programs.
WHEREAS, the Board of Regents adopts this resolution to demonstrate and affirm the University’s commitment to compliance through the establishment of the Office of Institutional Compliance and support for University-wide compliance activities and programs.
Done this 6th day of August, 2002.
A. Martin Wickliff, Jr.
A. Martin Wickliff, Jr.